Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well, good news. I finally got approved for time off until first week of April. The Dr. is lowering my Paxil again but, other than that he is leaving everything else the same this week. I have a meeting with both Dr.s again next Wed. I've gotten a lot more "you sound like Heidi compliments" and the Dr. says I look better. Hopefully it isn't mania.

It is difficult for me to be satisfied with what I is never enough when it comes to emotions for myself and for others. I am trying to learn to be realistic of what joy and success looks like and appreciate those as sufficient blessings. It's hard.

The kids are getting excited for spring break. Hailey has yw excellence. The only reason she is going because one of the gals families just lost their house and her clothes were stolen from her PE locker. So, we did a little gift bag and scrunched up a bunch of $1 bills to help her get some new ones. She's mad cuz Corey is going. It's the same old. The "popular brats" singing and she is in one group song. I hated those days....I have a hard time pushing the activity.

Anywho.........there she be.

1 comment:

Stacey Irwin said...

Yay! you got approved for more time off! Glad to hear that people think you are looking and sounding more like well. you. Hopefully coming off of the last bit of paxil won't be so hard on your body. As the first round.

YW in exelence eh? Ahh good times, good times. Good for you to do something nice for that poor girl. ( who still clothes out of lockers?) LAME!
Hope everyone enjoyed and had a nice time.
