Thursday, March 5, 2009

Corey is a trooper. He got all dressed up and went by himself to YW last night. Hailey didn't want to go and she sure as heck didn't want anyone else to. What dad would sit by himself when normally just mama comes to these things? Unfortunately he got bombarded with some ?'s about me but, to be expected. Good guy. Braydon was sick with one of his head aches yesterday but, seemed ok this mornin'.

The pictures were really cute of Grant. I have no long term memory so I don't know who he looks like. I wonder how they will do the blessing and baptism now?

Today I am exhausted. Didn't even get up until 9 a.m. and am laying in bed cuz I'm cold. I love the quiet. Mabye a good read a long bath? I do need to get dinner going in the crockpot and rice crispie treats made since tonight is pack meeting.

Hailey isn't sure if she wants to try out for bball. She is tired of the drama. However she is thinking color guard. Hail to the no!!!!!! lol. Tryouts are Sat. we'll see if she goes,, if she makes it, and how the season works.

yawn......better start movin' or I'm gonna be snooozin'

love ya

1 comment:

Stacey Irwin said...

Corey is a trooper. Snaps go to him.
COLOR GAURD? COLOR GAURD? oh, man.. I don't konw..... But hey if she thinks she'll like it then go fight win. ...What about Track or Cross Country? Swimming? Vollyball? Soccer?
Does Braydon get a headache like that often? I wonder if he will have migranes just like his daddy. something to check out. they so blow.

Tired? and still getting dinner on the table? I'm impressed.
I wish I could get Jay to reconsider teh babtism and blessing. In utah. But I think they want to do this more personal and probably easier for Heathers family to come out too.
