Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today I went to my psycologist cuz of a cancellation. I was 5 min. late and let's just say that my driving was NOT anywhere close to yesterday. She was frustrated about the 10 pages of paper work for my insurance/disability and the questions. I am too....um they are due today! I also missed Kallees reading lunch, of course Vickie covered for me. So, I just went home, stopped for some won-ton soup and have slept since. Oh well. Win some lose some.

Tonight I am 'spose to be going to dessert with the Relief Society president. Kallee answered my cell in the car. Actually, I really llike her and she is recovering from breast cancer (not much older than me). I just hope not to cry at the restaurant.

New appointment with the med Dr. tomorrow. We'll see what cocktail he comes up with this time. There are good things and bad with his latest one the abilify.

This week Hailey has YW in Excellence (blugh remember those days?) on Wed. Braydon has pack meeting on Thurs., Saturday is Haileys AAU tryouts and she would like to do something with a friend.

I read The Secret Journal of Brett Colton by Kay Lynn Mangum. It's LDS based and LOVE IT. Good easy read. I am trying to get into WWI series by borrowman we'll see......I also like The Bracelt BUT series II is out of print and trying to find it. If not, eh. it's ok.

I'm worried about baby Grant and Heather. System is screwed up if mama can't stay while they keep the baby in NCU and nursing. HELLO? Ok. Hailey is reading and editing my post so....I'm out.

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