Sunday, March 1, 2009

My children have been sitting on chairs for most of the morining now. Braydon and Hailey can't get along. Hailey of course uses her quiet loose signs L etc. to egg Bray on while they are there and then he'e yelling at her. Hailey is my worst instigator. She hasn't wanted anything to do with leapfrog games for years but, today they both have them and she's running around claiming everything like a dog marking it's territory. Earlier today she brought a pan that was browning meat into my room to ask if it was done. LOL. Then I made them mad by playing church music and turning off the TV.

Sometimes I wonder why I had children. I don't have patience, can't stand noice, yelling and fighting. Don't understand why I can never satisfy them. They never appreciate or feel gratitude for anything. I see all of these moms who love being home and you can tell in their eyes they just adore their kids. I do love my kids and can't imagine life w/out them....where did I go so wrong to make them so mean and disobedient to their own family.

Oh......I just thought about something....Jay won't be offended that flowers are delivered on Sunday will he???? Maternity stays can be so short so, I took what was offered. oooops. I hope he's ok with it. He'll see it is from us and roll his eyes. hehehehe

Other that feeling like I'm still wrapped in fog. I'm doing better. This new med has a yucky tastee and makes things taste weird. Minor thoughts and a little shaky but, it is at least forward movement. The sun is out. Maybe I'll walk while kids are at church. Neighbors are less likely to be out then. :)

I finally figured out what Lisa's 3 and little > are. It's a heart! <3>

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