Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today I got up, took Kallee to school and went to the lab for my blood work. I have to say this is a good lab. One poke, no pain, no bruises, and hardly any bleeding. I didn't feel real great so I hung out at Vickies for a little while. Then since I was wearing jeans for the second time this week we went to lunch at cracker barrell. It was nice, I was DONE afterward but, OK. I stopped at the store, rested at Vickies, picked up Kallee from school, picked Braydon up from scouts, Hailey up from bball, and came home and informed Corey that he is taking them to the eye appointments. Oh! I did stop and buy a few books at Deseret book. I walked in the lady made some suggestions, I said I'll take 'em and I was done. I can do small road driving but, turning my head for lane changes or highway still makes we woosy. Yes, everyone clap I got out and I only cried once at the restaurant. LOL.

Tonight I am exhausted and feeling VERY fiesty. Corey isn't talking to me much since I bit his head off about his idea for our spring break trip. I asked him about it when he got home.....he said he threw it all away. Eh. It all came from online anyway. I had a neighbor tell me I don't look very good and asked what she could do. " Nothing, the more peace and quiet the better." I got flowers from a customer today and was almost irritated. I love that someone is battling emotional hell that 1st people are quick to tell you that you look like hell.... and everyone thinks the fix is a smile or "cheer up", "it'll get better" "you gotta pick yourself up from your boot straps". I like my new side effect. I can prevent others from getting the same comments in the future.

I did freak myself out a little the other night. I concidered cutting myself accross my belly. No one would notice, Maybe while they stitch it up I can talk them into some lypo suction or a hysterectamy (sp?). It isn't like a wrist or something visible to anyone. I wondered if I would even feel anything. Damn. Still the escapest (AKA suicidal chicken). This sleeping stuff is getting old. My hair permanently has bedhead on my right side from the weeks of ZZZZZ"s.

Next appointment is Wed. with the excentric shrink. Until then, I pop pills and hopefully these books will be a decent read. I really need to clean the closet under the stairs and my laundry room closet, I also have like 20 shirts to iron. I start after a task then I either cry cuz I don't know where to start or I get pissed i didn't get anything done. Here's one that will be a favorite. I cry....then I'm piss and vinegar at the world because I'm crying. I'm telling is quite the ride.

Cutting my hair short didn't help. It is still falling out like crazy. The only thing it has helped is that short hair just goes down the drain and I don't have to do as much clean up.

Albertsons had their cheese buy 1 get 1 free. It's a scam. They have a big block for $10 and then you get one free. Woohoo? uh. no. You can get one block of the exact same cheese at Walmart for $5-$6. But, on Saturday you can get NY steak and lobster tails @ $4.99 a pound. Meat is so expensive right now...I'ld go vegetarian if it wasn't just as bad!

Well, I've been screaming at Clint for a week to find an IRS paper so I can efile 2008. I just found it here. I love text is a saver when you have to admit you suck. Eeeeesh.

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