Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Isn't it comforting to know that no matter what kind of crap we go through for the day...there is someone else whos day sucks worse? I'm drivin' home thinking about work, mid life crisis, the fact that it is past my kindergarteners bed time (she's zonked out in the car seat) and we are just barely heading home (oh and she needs a bath), missed seeing my 9 year old all together (sleep), my two week old windshield was given a huge star crack on the drivers side, my daughter likes to dress like a skater, blah blah blah. Who the crap are we trying to keep up with anyway? Compared to the CEO's, politicians and most Americans....we look pretty damn good. Not only that but, I am getting more confident that telling folks the truth from a Buys perception isn't all that bad either. After all, I can say it calmly and with a smile....."honey, you're a tazmanian witch when you don't get your way....you have a choice, park your broom or I'll wack your ass with it as I kick ya out the door. Wish ya the best!"

Okay...I have new meds that either a) make me a little edgy or b)gave me back my back bone for less tolerance of bull. We'll find out.

BTW. Braydon was so disgusted with the eaten frog that the tank got dumped in my driveway and left there. Today he had to sweep it up and hose out the tank......for some reason he hasn't wanted to go frog or bug hunting this week. LOL. Now he has discovered he can whistle with a sheet of paper and has burried himself in Ol' Yeller. What do you think his new winter passion will be? Oh, and his teacher wishes he'ld focus more and make better use of his time. (stacking pencil holders, tearing all sizes of whistling paper, talking to his neighbor etc. isn't cutting it)

Cade is home from the mission and Kallee is attached to his hip. He still has a deer in the headlights look. he's filled out and has a more noticeable Hansen hair line. I took off Coreys hat and showed him what he'ld look like in 10 years. I wanted to take a picture of Cade, Corey and Cordell with their heads down to show the progressive path (before, middle, after) but, for some reason they didn't think it was as funny. I think it would be good to have for future generations. LOL. Poor guys.

Oh and fall is the bliss before winter hell hits and spring is the light at the end of winter. Summer......depends on how severe the heat. What are folks plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year anyway? Siblings doing gifts....ideas for the folks? Dang how time flys!


Stacey Irwin said...

Tazmanian witch!! LMAO! I don't care who you are.. That is freaking hillarious. I say wack her A right out the door. And tell her to embrace the bohica way.
( B-end O-ver H-ere- I-t C-omes A-gain.)

This was just hilarious!! I can't believe Cade is home.. although I can't really blame them for not lining up the pictures.( even tho that is funny)

So Braydon has focus issues too eh? you know I think all kids do.
Hailey is a skater chic? are we talking bagging bag bag.. or what?

I don't care what we do for names. I'll see if I can't help think of a plan!

I can see these meds are turning you into a force to be reckoned with! LOL! (that's good.)

The Buys said...

Good to see that you're managing your mid-life crisis with some humor. The skater look is kind of the new prep look. Is she a Freshman this year? Man she grew up quick.

So I'm starting a club and I think you'd make the perfect member now. It's called "Citizens Against Stupidity", or CAS. Check out my blog for more info.

So we're thinking of coming up the weekend of Oct 16th. It's when Lisa has off of school. What do you think?
