Sunday, April 20, 2008


Howdy folks!

It is 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and I am hanging out in my robe. I love the day that I am not required to do anything....well, I take that back, I COULD be working on a paper or cleaning house but, I'm not.
It is official, we will be cruising June 27-July 5th on the Princess from Seattle to Alaska. I am not having much luck getting mom and dad to go. With the job in the air and it's thier weekend at Gma Buys.....I'm getting impatient. I may just buy them the tickets and say Happy Mothers Day, Happy Fathers Day and Happy Anniversary. What do you think???? Will I get away with it?
I'm loving nice weather and the kids are playing outside. Braydon is in heaven with all of the bugs and we now have a few tree frogs too. He is still requesting 2 baby chicks for his birthday, he did add one more item though....A four wheeler! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He may just get money. He thought that was cool when Hailey made bank so, we'll see. He also wanted to go to Hoggle Zoo but, schedules aren't allowing so, he settled for Boondocks with the promise that our family will take a Utah Zoo,Lagoon trip when school gets out in June.
So, when are we getting together? Stacey, you going to the Irwin reunion thing or come up with any windows of opportunity? Bryce and Lisa owe me a visit too, I still owe 'em dinner from the melting pot.
Oh. You'll get a kick out of this! Kallee has never seen a good old fashion home video. She found a VCR tape from an old Buys reunion (I was Hailey's age!). Anyway she was watching it and picked out dad. Next thing I know she's waving and yelling "hi! Grandpa at Utah" the she comes marching over to me with hands on hips "Italk at Gpa at Utah and he not talkin at me". I had to explain the difference between home video and webcam. She was really torked.
Love to all!!!! Someday I'll figure out the pictures....I'm not a picture taker so it's tuff!time. time. time.


The Buys said...

A cruise sounds nice. I think Dad would love it, but I can only imagine what he'd say if you bought the tickets for him. I just learned that I won't be taking a final in my Business Stats class so I'm pretty happy about that. That's pretty funny about Kal and trying to talk to the video tape. I don't blame you for not doing anything today. Lisa and I didn't get out of bed until 3:00 PM. Once we missed sacrament we decided to make it a movie morning in bed. Well I have an accounting test to study for. We'll have to see when we can all get together this summer.

The Buys said...

Oh ya. I've been working at 1-800Contacts for the last little while. It's the worlds largest contact distributer. So if you want I could get Hailey's lenses for dirt cheap, just let me know.

Amy Johnson said...

I'm so excited for you to go on your cruise! You will definatly have to take pics and actually post them on your blog! :) I'm so sad that I don't even know your kids! I remember babysitting Hailey when she was just a baby! Please post some pics for me!
Take care!

Stacey Irwin said...

so when do we go? I'm so excited for you guys to take Paul and I! You know too much is in the air for dad right now. Plus he would freak out if your just bought them for them! but you know if you really need a couple to go with you.... when and what should I pack?

Kallee is a hoot. although that just makes me feel old! Missing your family! I'm tell you take your camera to any store.... ask for a usb cable that will fit it... hook one side to your comp. and the other to your camera... or just get a memory card reader. and wallaa pictures. I want pictures!!! POST PICTURES!!!

The Buys said...

Just tell me your make and model for your camera and I'll get the cable for you.
