Friday, April 25, 2008

To say that we had a rockin' time would be an understatement. Corey and I went to a concert for our Anniversary April, 22 (only 14 years!). We went to the Idaho Center with a full house to see Styx, Reo Speedwagon and Def Leppard. It was a blast from the past as these rockers kept the black leather pants and screamed the classics. Of course, we were up, fists in the air, singing along and dancin'. I have to say that I remember the days when we paid $30 for a concert and $15 for a T-shirt however the $65 and $40 for a T was well worth it. Once I buy a new camera and cable I'll take pictures of Corey and I in our twiner old style rock tour T's. We got home at midnight and appeared at work almost hung over! It was awesome despite feeling very dated and a little weird rocking out at our age with 50 year old musicians. Tons of fun!
Corey also got mega points for taking my ring and getting it resized after resting for many years in the closet waiting for me to lose weight. I paled in comparison with a card and the new XBOX 360 game I got him (baseball '08).
Same ol' Same 'ol folks! Excited that mom and dad will still be close and hope that the corporate bosses will make him less miserable. We are fighting colds and enjoying the change in season. Time to mow the lawn again, irrigation is on, weeding to be done.
Love to all!


The Buys said...

Wow, you guys went all out on your anniversary. So was everyone in the crowd more...shall we say "mature" in years than the typical 18-20 year olds? In all my years I've never been to a concert, I would go crazy being stuck in a huge crowd of people screaming and pushing. Did Corey put his earing back in for this one=). All I have to say is "Rock On" Sis. Boise is definatley on the " To do list" this summer.

Hansen family said...

It was the most diverse concert. Everything from teens,young couples, middle aged (is that us?) and 50-60 year olds. You know styx and REO was really from mid 70's! It was pretty wild!

Stacey Irwin said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I'm glad you guys had a nice"blast from the past" concert! who knew those guys were still performing! glad you guys got to get out and kick it up! ( did you have lighters or was everyone doing the camera phone light!)
Sounds like so much fun. I love concerts. ( not that I go. but I still love'em!)

Hansen family said...

It is called a zippo...sheesh. We didn't even use cell phones in those days! lol.

Amy Johnson said...

Heidi, I love your posts! I feel connected to your family again! I am "oober jealous" (a term us younger folk use) that you got to see Def Lep! I love them! I have seen them once before and it was amazing!!! I'd probably fall asleep for REO and Styx, but I'd rock it with you guys for Def Lep!! You go girl!! Happy Anniversay! Was is really 14 years ago that I would sleep over with Stacey and watch you put stickers on your countdown chart??? Wow!
