Ok, So I have learned how to make two, yup count em folks T-W-O comments on a blog. I still don't have the foggiest idea where to even start when it comes to music, pictures and styles. Where do you guys get so much free time??
I'm wondering....since corporate america is all about micromanagement.....why does one need an education?
Hailey is 13 next week and is all about the right clothes and unlimited text. She printed off what she wanted in color with the prices and it ONLY comes up to $150 LOL. Yeah right. She is working hard in school and participates in YW. She is really liking having contacts and will like them even more when she wears less mascara to avoid all of the black dust!
Braydon is just starting baseball. Games are every Monday and Wed. he loves to hit and does really well. Of course, thanks to spring we have caught our first frog and he is living in the garage in a special made habitat. We have kill deer/sandpiper birds that have laid eggs in the yard so, he is very protective of those too. For his bday he would like 2 chicks, one boy and one girl or a horse. Again,,,,,so not going to happen. He would also like to go to the Utah zoo with all of the family.
Kallee is a little spit fire who loves to tell us that "you're not the boss" and tattles on the kids everychance she gets. Loves to sing and do preschool. She mostly plays store and follows Braydon around.
Corey is working and teaching the 11 year old boys in primary. he has already been out working in the yard. We're glad for a riding lawn mower.
Me. Work 45 hours a week, looking forward to a math final on Thursday, next class starts again the next Thursday. No breaks until end of year.
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If I haven't told you before. I cannot even imagine trying to work your schedule.. I think I would just kill over!!! Well it looks like the birthday demands are up.( i laughed too...when I saw your price tag) may I suggest for Hailey... PIERCED EARS! serioiusly... I see the cutest earings. and no one to share them with.:( very unfair to me... i mean her.
Go fight win for the frogs! ( this is where you are a better mom then I.) I love that your are blogging! ( I still rock)
Give some love to your kids!
I can't believe how old your kids are getting! Get Hailey some pepper spray to fend off all the boys.=) $150 for a B-day, since when did you guys turn into the Hilton's? As far as all the bells and whistles for the blog page, click on the bottom of the slideshow and it will take you to the page to upload pics from your computer, do the same for the music player, and click on the orange bar at the top of my page to change your blog look. Good luck with finals, Mine are coming due in a couple weeks.
Tell the kids hi from us.
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